READING - Q1 Week 3 Day 3
Today we used the first two chapters of The Thing About Jellyfish to "put it all together" and review the reading signposts so far.
We read the two chapters and students used 3 different colored highlighters to note where each Q appeared in the text - "Contrasts & Contradictions", "Aha Moments" and "Tough Questions". They also wrote their thoughts and answers to the anchor questions in the margins of the text. (See Week 2 Day 3, Week 3 Days 1 & 2 for the anchor questions)
We read the two chapters and students used 3 different colored highlighters to note where each Q appeared in the text - "Contrasts & Contradictions", "Aha Moments" and "Tough Questions". They also wrote their thoughts and answers to the anchor questions in the margins of the text. (See Week 2 Day 3, Week 3 Days 1 & 2 for the anchor questions)