
Showing posts from March, 2018

Reading - Q3 Week 7

Each day began with silent reading (10 minute) in the choice reading book. Then we have listened to the audiobook for Uprising . The goal is to finish the book by Day 4 this week. (Each class is at a slightly different place so one may need to finish up on Monday) I have a couple of copies that I can check out if a student needs to read at home to get caught up. Otherwise, my room is open before/after school most days for students to read, or there would be time in Homeroom as well.

Writing - Q3 Week 7

Day 1 - We looked at an infographic and discussed how to read a visual text. Then we talked about how a visual text can support the news article the students are writing. Day 2 - We talked about text features and students started to think about what text features they might use in their final news article draft. Students also wrote out section 3 of their news article (the last text structure for their info piece) and started writing the introduction to the article after looking at all three sections together and deciding what order they will be presented. Day 3/4 - we went to the Library Lab and students began cutting and pasting their sections into one document, in order, with basic text features. They will need a Heading (title), Introduction, Subheadings (one for each section), and (possibly) a conclusion (if their last section doesn't actually wrap up their topic and present the "takeaway" they want a reader to have. Student need to begin reading the document ...