Word Work

Greek Roots - Want to study your Greek Roots? Visit the Quizlet that Mrs. Mangini made...
Working on the advanced list? Here's a Quizlet for you...
Latin Roots - Want to study your Latin Roots?
Visit the Quizlet that Mrs. Mangini made...
As students read your choice reading books (or texts in class), you should make notes on a bookmark when you find a word that might go into your "Vocab" section in the Thinking Notebook. Don't interrupt your reading for very long - just write down the word and page number where you found it. Each week we will have some time to actually fill out the chart in your Notebook with- the words
- sentence where you found the word
- definition
- synonyms*antonyms*pictures
The goal is to build vocabulary. So, reluctant readers might find that you are encountering lots of words you don't know. Pick 2-4 to work on each week. You don't need to do all of them. Stronger readers can look for words that you notice you are using context clues to figure a word out - write that one down, even if you figure it out with the clues. OR, choose words that you appreciate as a reader. (Joe STRODE down the hallway - maybe choose "strode" because it is a strong word that you want to remember to use versus "walked")
Read Theory
We are using Read Theory to track reading progress. Periodically in class, students will take a few quizzes on ReadTheory.org, to check their reading level and comprehension. Students are welcome to work on this at home as well.
Students created their own accounts and passwords. They should be recorded in the back of the planner.
Read Theory
We are using Read Theory to track reading progress. Periodically in class, students will take a few quizzes on ReadTheory.org, to check their reading level and comprehension. Students are welcome to work on this at home as well.
Students created their own accounts and passwords. They should be recorded in the back of the planner.