
Showing posts from September, 2017

Reading - Q1 Week 5 Day 4

Today we continued reading The Cay, reading Chapters 3 & 4. Students used sticky notes to mark where they saw the signposts in these chapters, discussed the anchor questions, and made predictions based on the book so far.

Writing - Q1 Week 5 Day 4

Today we practiced a strategy for revising the personal narratives. We read an excerpt from "To Build a Fire" , a short story by Jack London. In the excerpt, the character is in the Arctic, trying to build a fire that will save his life. He builds the fire under a tree...and something bad happens. It takes only a split second, but the author slows down the action to emphasize how important it is. (Kind of like a "slow motion moment" in writing) Then, students chose their own moments to try "Split Second Writing" (see this list for ideas). Students wrote two different moments (hand this in) and shared with their writing partners. Then, they went back to their own narratives, and chose a moment to which they could apply "split second" writing, and worked on revising their essay to actually include this strategy.

Writing - Q1 Week 5 Day 3

Today we wrote the first draft of one of our flashdrafts - making sure to find the deeper meaning in the story being told. Students tried to include "again and again" moments, "aha moments", and any other signposts that they thought might help convey what their narrative is really about. After students wrote the drafts and shared with their writing partners, we looked at examples and strategies for writing introductions. We looked at some ideas for how to write a first sentence - just to get started. Then we looked at some examples from narratives . Partners discussed whether they could tell what the lesson might be in those narratives from the introduction. Lastly, students wrote three different introductions to the draft they had written yesterday. They shared with Writing Partners and got feedback about which one to use in their essay.

Reading - Q1 Week 5 Day 3

Today we finished discussing Chapter 1 of The Cay. We also read Chapter 2 and then we discussed the book so students could write a response. The guiding question for the first two chapters was: "How has the war affected Phillip's family?" We created a general statement to answer the question, via table group brainstorming and then class discussion. Then students went back into the two chapters to find at least three examples to support our general statement. Then, we wrote a class response paragraph using the examples. Students put this into their Reading Notebook with today's date and "Chapters 1-2 Response". Be sure to copy this from someone onto your own notebook with the correct heading.

Writing - Q1 Week 5 Day 2

We discussed another aspect of writing personal narrative: Thinking about what the story is really about? Why should the reader care about your story? We looked at a mentor text called " Everything Will Be OK " by James Howe. Students discussed what lesson Howe wanted his readers to pick up from the text. They highlighted and annotated the story to identify how he conveyed the lesson. Be sure to ask a classmate if they will discuss the signposts with you to see if you noticed the same things we did. You can also ask what they think the story is really  about, and what they noticed that makes them say it. The goal is to learn what you can do as a writer, from reading this text closely. We reviewed the anchor chart for Personal Narrative. Then students went back to their own flashdrafts and decided which flashdraft they thought they could develop a lesson for. Then they begin working on the first draft of a personal narrative, using one of the flashdrafts as a starting pl...

Reading - Q1 Week 5 Day 2

Today we finished the "Putting it all together" activity from Day 1. The story and self evaluation were due today. Then we discussed background information for our first class novel: The Cay. Setting: during WWII In the Caribbean Island of Curacao (Notice the tip of Florida at the top of the map below. Can you find Curacao?) I showed some powerpoint slides which can help give context for the novel.

Writing - Q1 Week 5 Day 1

Today we talked about how Point of View can impact the writing of a narrative. We looked at an example of how point of view matters to what a narrator can know. Then, we looked at a student draft and discussed where the point of view didn't fit a personal narrative. Essentially, we noted where the narrator couldn't have KNOWN something had happened. Then we looked at the revised draft where the student revised to fix their point of view. Lastly, students wrote Flashdraft #4 from one of the brainstorm sessions we did last week.

Reading - Q1 Week 5 Day 1

Today we practiced putting the last three signposts together by reading the first chapter of the novel Shooting Kabul by N.H. Senzai. Students highlighted where they saw the signpost in the chapter and answered the anchor question for the signpost in the margins of their story. They also rated themselves on their understanding of the signposts so far.

Writing - Q1 Week 4 Day 4

Today students brainstormed some more memories that they might use for flashdrafting personal narrative. In your Writer's Notebook, create a "Cast of Characters" from your life so far. I shared photos of my parents, my brother, my dog, and my grandparents, along with a couple of stories that the photos prompted for me. Then, create some "Top 10 Lists". These can be your "Top 10" of anything: Places you like to eat, trips you have taken, people to write a letter to, things that make you crazy, things you like to do with your friends on the weekend... You choose the list topics, but make 2 or 3 lists of things. These may become rich "food" for narrative writing next week.

Reading - Q1 Week 4 Day 4

Today we discussed the last signpost for fiction reading: Memory Moments. When the author interrupts the action to tell you about a memory, STOP and ask yourself: Why might this memory be important? We looked at excerpts from Hope Was Here  and applied the memory moment anchor question to those. The novel is one where a young girl is being once again forced to leave a place she had called home. She and her aunt are getting in the car to leave and the first two excerpts are memories Hope has before they leave town. The last one, is from a point where they are driving to their next home. Mark where you see a memory moment and apply the question. We also worked on the second worksheet to practice identifying Point of View.

Writing - Q1 Week 4 Day 3

Today students wrote their third flashdraft, after "Writing Out Loud" with their writing partner. They chose a memory from their " First Time / Last Time / Time I Realized " chart. (See Week 4 Day 2 for more info) Take a few minutes to tell your story to someone out loud. Then sit down for 25 minutes and record a draft of this narrative from your life in your Writer's Notebook.

Reading - Q1 Week 4 Day 3

Today we studied another signpost: "Again & Again" We read the first chapter of Hatchet , then went back and looked at 3 excerpts from the book. When we notice a word, phrase, or situation mentioned over and over, stop and ask yourself: Why does this keep happening again and again? Then we went back to the three excerpts and applied the anchor question to each one. We can see clearly in the first excerpt that the word "divorce" is used twice. In both cases, it is a single word sentence, which emphasizes the word. Jot notes about the anchor question, and why "divorce" might be showing up repeatedly, in the margins of the excerpts. We also added a flowchart about Point of View to the Reading Notebook as a reference sheet for future reading and writing. Then students used the flowchart to practice on a worksheet with three passages to identify point of view.

Reading - Q1 Week 4 Day 2

Today we introduced the 4th signpost for Fiction: "Words of the Wiser". When a character (who is probably older and alot wiser) takes the main character aside and gives serious advice, stop and ask yourself: What is the life lesson, and how might it affect the character? We watched a scene from Harry Potter  and students discussed how Dumbledore's words might have impacted Harry in the films/books. Then, we looked at some excerpts from Riding Freedom by Pam Munoz Ryan. The novel is about a young girl named Charlotte who lives in the mid-1800s. She lives in an orphanage and loves horses. The overseer of the orphanage forbids her to work with them though, because she is a girl. Life there is hard and, at some point, she decides to run away. Context for the first scene : Charlotte is telling a trusted adult friend that she must escape. The friend is Vern, who takes care of the horses. One of the horses is named Justice. After reading the first scene, jot your tho...

Writing - Q1 Week 4 Day 2

Today we tried another strategy for brainstorming writing ideas. In their Writer's Notebooks, students wrote a 3-column chart and tried to add as many ideas as they could. The three columns are headed: First Time / Last Time / The Time I Realized... I showed one example of what the chart might look like if that is helpful as you start creating your own.

Writing - Q1 Week 4 Day 1

Today we revisited the maps you created on Day 4 last week. Students quickly shared a memory from the map with the class, then with their writing partners. Then we spent 25 minutes writing the next flashdraft of a personal narrative in the Writer's Notebook. Writing Partners shared their drafts with each other and praised where they noticed one of our anchor strategies being used.

Reading - Q1 Week 4 Day 1

Today we revisited the signposts we've studied so far. Based on last week's assessment, students worked in one of three groups (see Ms. Faircloth to find out what group you should work on): 1) revisiting signposts with Ms. Faircloth 2) worked independently using a short story 3) worked independently using your choice reading book Identify the signposts in your reading; answer the anchor questions for the signposts. Group 1) on "Thank You Ma'am" with Ms. Faircloth Group 2) in the margins and/or on the back of the page of the short story Group 3) on a piece of notebook paper. Record the book title, page numbers you read, and the page number you found the signpost on. Identify the signpost, explain the context for the signpost (if needed) and answer the anchor question for the signpost. Students read their choice reading book if they finished early.

Writing - Q1 Week 3 Day 4

Then students were introduced to Writing Workshop and how we will use mentor texts to learn from this year. The goals for today were: To practice using a place that matters to you to make a map and jot notes about story ideas We looked at a map used by the author Jack Gantos to brainstorm story ideas from the neighborhood where he grew up. Then students drew their own maps on a piece of paper. (These were added to their Writing Notebooks at the end of class)

READING - Q1 Week 3 Day 4

Students were introduced to the process for reading a poem - we read our first "Poem of the Week" (" The Quarrel "). Students added the Studying a Poem  reference sheet to their Reading Notebooks, and we read/discussed the poem, practicing annotations. Be sure to get a copy of the poem from the basket and ask a friend to share their annotations with you. Have them explain what the annotations mean and see if you understand the discussion we had. Be ready to contribute to the next POTW discussion.

Writing - Q1 Week 3 Day 3

Today we finished the lesson about learning from a mentor text. Students wrote their first flashdraft of a moment from their own life, trying to apply strategies from the texts we read yesterday. This should be in the Writer's Notebook on the Next Clean Page. Be sure to date the entry and put a title - "Flashdraft Personal Narrative #1" Writing Partners then shared their writing and marked the places where they saw one of the strategies from the anchor chart being used. They also made a suggestion for the paper using the anchor chart. If you would like to meet with your writing partner for help, make an appointment to meet in Ms. Faircloth's room for Homeroom and you can get help from your WP.

READING - Q1 Week 3 Day 3

Today we used the first two chapters of The Thing About Jellyfish  to "put it all together" and review the reading signposts so far. We read the two chapters and students used 3 different colored highlighters to note where each Q appeared in the text - "Contrasts & Contradictions", "Aha Moments" and "Tough Questions". They also wrote their thoughts and answers to the anchor questions in the margins of the text. (See Week 2 Day 3, Week 3 Days 1 & 2 for the anchor questions)

READING - Q1 Week 3 Day 2

Today we learned and practiced another signpost for reading: "Tough Questions" When a character asks herself a very difficult question, stop and ask yourself "What does this question make me wonder about?" Read the sample text , highlight the difficult questions, and make notes in the margin about the anchor question ("What does this question make me wonder about?")

WRITING - Q1 Week 3 Day 2

Today we introduced "What's Going On In This Picture?" Students looked at an image from the New York Times website and 1) noticed details from the photos, 2) made inferences about what is happening in the photo and 3) wrote those notes down in their WN with today's date. We will reveal the photo caption on Friday and see how students did. Then students were introduced to Writing Workshop and how we will use mentor texts to learn from this year. The goals for today were: To practice using a mentor text to learn writing strategies. To record at least 2 strategies to use in writing a Personal Narrative. To practice those strategies in a flashdraft of your own Personal Narrative. We read a student draft essay together and noted what worked about it. Then students read a chapter from Pictures of Hollis Woods  as a reader. After that, they worked with their writing partner to identify things that worked well in that paper. We made an anchor chart of what st...

READING - Q1 Week 3 Day 1

We read for 10 minutes, and students set their goal for this week's outside-of-class reading. We learned and practiced the second signpost for fiction reading: "Aha Moment" by reading excerpts from Crash  by Jerry Spinelli. When a character realizes, understands, or finally figures out something, STOP and ask yourself, " How might this change things? " Read the excerpts, highlight or underline the "Aha Moment" and try to answer the question based on what you read in the excerpt.

WRITING Q1 - Week 3 Day 1

Today we typed up Want Ads for writing partners. Students also applied to be a partner with at least 2 other people. Then we paired up. If you weren't here, please see Ms. Faircloth so she can add you to a partnership or let you know who didn't have a partner at the end of the day. Links to the padlets:  Per 1 ,  Per 4 ,  Per 6 

Writing - Q1 Week 2 Day 3

Today students wrote a "want ad" for their first Writing Partner. Using the Decalogue and Autobiography from last week, they decided what their strengths and weaknesses are as writers. They wrote their strengths up as something they can offer a partner, and their weaknesses as something that they'd like help with. Using sample want ads as examples, they wrote in that style and shared it on a class Padlet. [See the examples from Per 1 , Per 4 , Per 6 here] Students will write letters applying for Writing Partners on Monday.

Reading - Q1 Week 2 Day 3

Today we read "Thank You Ma'am", a short story by Langston Hughes. Students were introduced to the idea of watching for "Contrasts and Contradictions" while you read. When you found a contrast/contradiction in "Thank You Ma'am", you should ask yourself "Why would the character act (feel) this way?" We practiced highlighting and annotating on the stories, making notes about the questions and other things that students noticed about the story.

Writing - Q1 Week 2 Day 2

Today we wrote the third (and last!) baseline piece for the year. Students had 45 minutes to write an Informational (or "all about") text that teaches others interesting and important information and ideas about a topic. They needed to write an introduction . Elaborate  with a variety of information. Organize  the writing. Use transition words . Write a conclusion .

Reading - Q1 Week 2 Day 2

Today we finished setting up the Reading Notebooks & students who borrowed composition books turned in replacements for the supply drawer. For help setting up the notebook, come to Ms. Faircloth's class during homeroom (after checking in with your own homeroom teacher).

READING - Q1 Week 2 Day 1

We started with 10 minutes of SSR. We set up our Reading Notebooks - adding tabs and sections to the composition books. 3 tabs - so you will have 4 sections: On 4 th page On 7 th page On 9 th page After you make the tabs, label each section: Opening page (first page inside the front cover): Books I Want to Read On the line below the title, make a column for TITLE and one for AUTHOR Page 4: Books I Have Read On the line below the title, make 5 columns: (3 skinny ones) - AB/FIN, GENRE, PAGES, (then 2 wider colums)  TITLE, AUTHOR Page 7: Reading Goals On the line below the title, make 3 columns: DATE , GOAL , Completed/Actual Page 9: MY THINKING   I shared the first "Booktalk" for this year and students who were interested in reading that book wrote it into their "Books I Want to Read" list.

WRITING - Q1 Week 2 Day 1

Today we wrote the second Baseline piece for the year - "Argument". 45 minutes to go through the whole writing process. Students were asked to  write your opinion or claim (about anything. If you're stuck, I suggested that you give your opinion about what the best movie ever, or the best book ever, might be) and tell reasons why you feel this way. When you do this, draw on everything you know about essays, persuasive letters, and reviews. Make sure you: Write an  introduction State your opinion or claim Give  reasons and evidence Organize  your writing Acknowledge  counterclaims Use  transition words Write a  conclusion Remember - there is no right or wrong, just you putting forth your best effort so I can see what you already know about how to do these requirements. When we finished, students began setting up their Writing Notebooks by numbering all of the pages in the top right corner (right side page only).